Family law
Andep can help preserve and build your finances after the break down of a relationship.
We can calculate the costs of childcare, school and university fees and help you develop an investment plan to ensure your children receive the education you wish for them.
A relationship break down can be very difficult and many areas of your financial life will change. Andep can help relieve your financial worries during this challenging time by developing a plan specific to you. We will help you maintain financial independence, assist in planning your retirement, provide social security advice and support your lawyer with drafting your will and other estate planning documents.
Our associated company, Barton Consultancy may also be able to assist you after a relationship break down. Barton Consultancy is an actuarial practice and are experienced in the valuation and certification of superannuation interests, annuities, life tenancies and remainder interests. These valuations can be useful to ensure a fair division of assets.